24.9 C
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Have you ever day dreamed about constant nice weather, no rain and how it would be paradise?? … Well it is not always the case! Rain is starting to feel like a distant memory here, with the occasional sprinkle which feels like the clouds are just teasing you with what they could do if they wanted. You’re probably all thinking typical...
So tonight it was time to give the release frogs a break and go and carry out transect surveys on one of the sites that surviving wild mountain chickens can be found called Fairy Walk Fairy Walk is one of the sites that has been regularly monitored for mountain chickens since 1998, since well before the deadly chytrid fungus arrived...
This is Emma here, I’ve made the hop from Montserrat to Dominica to assist with the captive breeding programme for the Mountain Chicken (or Crapaud as they’re more commonly called here). The facility I’m working in is rather interesting place, as well as attempting to breed the crapaud, we’re also breeding thousands of insects on which to feed them (I’ve...
The project has had a busy week this week with Montserrat Science Week. Originally set up by the Montserrat Volcano observatory to outreach to local Montserratians about the active volcano this week has evolved to include all aspects of science including terrestial and marine biology and of course the famous mountain chicken. So the team has been busy this week...

Well we’re two weeks in and already the rollercoaster of 2013 has started, we’ve been having some luck finding some of our missing frogs, but there has also been a bit of bad news relating to one of our frogs. Good news first - as a result of searching some new areas in the release site we ended up stumbling...
Happy New Year everyone, from the Mountain Chicken Project team here in Montserrat!!! We have had a very hectic couple of weeks here on the island as we are right in the thick of radio-tracking the release frogs, making sure they don’t go bouncing off on us, but it also happens to be the 50th anniversary of Montserrat’s annual Christmas...
Hi all, Emma here again, it’s been a busy few weeks! We’ve been out tracking the mountain chickens, exploring various bits of forests for surviving mountain chickens, carrying out chytrid surveys of tree frogs, recording a radio programme for ZJB Radio and helping out with tree planting day, phew! Definitely getting the hang of radio-tracking now,...
So given that we now have some new frogs complete with radio-transmitters running around the island, it’s now time for the radiotracking to begin. The core team Sarah-Louise, Blacka and Lloydie are all wonderfully proficient at this having had lots of experience, but for us the new volunteers (Emma & Heléna) there is a steep learning curve to be...