Research papers

Wherever possible relevant research papers will be put online here, either with PDFs for download or with links to the journal’s homepage.

Brooks, G.R. 1982. An analysis of prey consumed by the anuran, Leptodactylus fallax, from Dominica, West Indies. Biotropica 14: 301-309.

Daltry, J.C. and Gray, G. 1999. Effects of volcanic activity on the endangered mountain chicken frog (Leptodactylus fallax). FrogLog 32: 1-2.

Davis, S.L., Davis, R.B., James, A. and Talyn, B.C.P. 2000. Reproductive behaviour and larval development of Leptodactylus fallax in Dominica, West Indies. Herpetological Review 31: 217-220.

Fa, J., Hedges, B., Ibéné, B., Breuil, M., Powell, R. and Magin, C. 2013. Leptodactylus fallax. In: IUCN 2007. 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <>. Accessed 12 February 2014.

García, G., Cunningham, A., Horton, D., Garner, T., Hyatt, A., Hengstberger, S., Lopez, J., Ogrodowczyk, A., Fenton, C. and Fa, J. 2007. Mountain chickens Leptodactylus fallax and sympatric amphibians appear to be disease free on Montserrat. Oryx 41: 398-401.
Garcia, G., Lopez, J., Fa, J.E. & Gray, G.A.L. 2009. Chytrid fungus strikes mountain chickens in Montserrat. Oryx 43: 323-328.

Gibson, R.C. & K.R. Buley. 2004. Gibson & Buley 2004. Gibson & Buley 2004 Maternal care in oophagy in mountain chickens. Copeia. 2004(1), pp. 128–135.

Guarino, F., Garcia, G. and Andreone, F. 2014. Huge but moderately long-lived: age structure in the mountain chicken, Leptodactylus fallax, from Montserrat, West Indies. Herpetological Journal 24: 167-173.

Martin, L., Morton, M.N., Hilton, G.M., Young, R.P., Garcia, G., Cunningham, A., James, A., Gray, G. and Mendes, S. (eds) 2007. A Species Action Plan for the Montserrat mountain chicken Leptodactylus fallax. Department of Environment, Montserrat.
McIntyre, S. 2003. The current status of the mountain chicken Leptodactylus fallax on Dominica, Eastern Caribbean; an amphibian in decline. M.Sc. thesis, University of East Anglia.
Morton, M.N. 2011. Results from radio tracking Montserrat mountain chickens in 2011. Montserrat Darwin Initiative Project 18018 Department of Environment, Montserrat and Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Jersey, Channel Islands

Young, R.P. (ed.) 2007. A biodiversity assessment of the Centre Hills, Montserrat. Durrell Conservation Science Report 1. Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Jersey, Channel Islands.