A very Happy New Year to all! 2011 was an amazing 12 months for the mountain chickens in Montserrat and the Mountain Chicken Project Team and we are very excited about 2012. And what better way to start the year than another release! That’s right folks, more mountain chickens are currently winging their way to Montserrat. Imagine…flying chickens! The team is all ready and set to go here with faces old and new. Our friendly Swedish vet, Jenny Liman, has returned to get a taste for radio-tracking along with Nadine Wohl who has been working on the husbandry of mountain chickens back at Durrell and Chester to give us a new insight into the frogs.

“But what about the ponds” I hear you cry. Well they have a new home this year as our last room has been taken over by invasive musical instruments but they are all cleaned polished and made fit for mountain chicken kings and queens. All we need now is the frogs!
So we welcome the volunteers along with our overseas team from Durrell and Chester in this very exciting phase of the project and we will be keeping you all updated on the progress of the second release of captive-bred mountain chickens back to their home island of Montserrat. Stay tuned!!
-Sarah-Louise Smith, Project Coordinator