So the frogs are now safely in the forest. Now what? Well we need to find them of course. Some of you may remember this time last year with the last set of frogs when we started the radio-tracking. Basically all the frogs we have released this year are implanted with tiny transmitters which give out a signal. The idea is that using special radio-tracking equipment we can pick up on these signals and follow them to find the frogs. Believe me, with a 40m signal range and a massive forest to hide in, not to mention stumbling over all the rocks and up and down the banks and all in the dark, this is no easy task….phew!

So it’s lots of practice for the volunteers and trips down memory lane for the team on how to radio-track but hopefully using this method, we will be able to keep track of our bouncy friends. Not only will we be able to keep a close watch on each froggies progress, but it will also help us to conduct the research to answer important questions to help us save the mountain chicken. So for 6 nights a week for the next three weeks our dedicated team will continue the hard work from our overseas partners and be giving you lots of updates on the progress of this fascinating species. Wish us luck!
–Sarah-Louise Smith, Project Coordinator