After a few weeks trying to organize the event, it finally happened!!! Last Saturday the Mountain Chicken team went to the forest. That is no news, I know. But this time there was a different reason to go: a fantastic, tasty and delicious meal…
The first step was to choose the location to set up the kitchen (oh, yes, everything was cooked in the forest). A nice spot in the shade of a big tree was chosen, just beside the ghaut. Second thing to do: get stones and wood to light the fire. And…shoulders to the wheel!!! Blacka started to make his famous goat stew. We had been hearing about it since we arrived in Montserrat, so we watched expectantly step by step. I even wrote down the recipe. Apparently next time is our turn. Mappai – known for being a great chef – cooked pork with so many different kind of vegetables: pumpkin, onion, sweet pepper, seasoned pepper, garlic, carrot, tania seed…delicious!
Surrounded by all these delicious smells my belly started rumbling, so let’s have a snack! Breadfruit roasted on the fire…I love it. Lunch time came at last and it was wonderful! Pork and goat served with vegetables and rice cooked in coconut milk. These boys are great chiefs. The forestry department staff kept coming over the afternoon. There was food for everybody. I kept eating until the moment I was so full that breathing was getting hard (my muscles need energy to walk in the forest, you know? And that was my excuse).
We had a really nice time. Delicious food, good company, the relaxing sound of the water flowing down the ghaut, jokes, laughter, a beautiful natural landscape around.
Nightfall came down without warning…time to go home. A look up to the stars and one last wish…can we repeat next weekend, please???!!!
Blanca Baranda